My favorite part of a home is the kitchen. No matter the size, everyone always seems to gravitate towards it. Maybe it's the aroma of the food, sharing family gossip over a glass of wine or just the chef's desire for guests to taste what's cooking. The kitchen is a space where friends and family can come together at the center of a home. I immediately fell in love with the kitchen in our home. Although it's itty bitty, it's exactly what I wanted with white cabinets, butcher block counter tops and a farmhouse sink. A dreamy, beautiful, porcelain farmhouse sink that truly enticed me. The best part was that the kitchen was remodeled two years before we purchased the home. Other than giving it a fresh coat of paint and adding the back splash, it was pretty perfect. Being so tiny though, minimal storage was {and still is} an issue with no pantry. And how were we supposed to fit a fridge in that small rectangular space?

Well, we definitely fit a fridge in there, but not on the first try. We searched high and low for a tall, skinny, narrow depth fridge. Nada. We ended up purchasing one that we thought would fit and it turned out to be a miniature fridge. I finally contacted the ex-owner and she told me where I could find this beauty, and by beauty I mean the fridge. Not Handy Andy, he's all mine.
Can we discuss the bane of my existence for a quick second? Those butcher block counter tops. What. a. pain. in. the. a$$. Talk about high maintenance. Sure they look beautiful, when they're constantly treated, but who has time for that? I should have known because when we purchased the house, the counters were stained with water and mold. I did some online research and found that sanding the counter tops and treating them with mineral oil, would revive them to practically new. It worked, for like 2 weeks! Look at that fantastic richness.
Don't be fooled, that beautify is superficial - look at them now. Long term goal: switch them out for quartz counter top with new back splash. Short term goal: sand them again, stain them this time and seal them with poly.
Another long term goal, switch out my hardware to gold. I like gold. Gold is dreamy. Sharing a few more pictures of my un-staged kitchen. Ok, I'm lying, it's a bit staged. I didn't think it was appropriate to show you a sink full of dirty dishes or mashed food on the counter tops (and maybe the floor), while my dog licks it all up. We're not "there" yet.
Alright, maybe I'll show you a little bit of what was really happening during this "photo shoot" because it's just too good.
{Dirty oven and future gymnast. This was before bath time}.
{This was after bath time. I thought the bath would calm him and give me 5 minutes to spare. I was wrong}. Send help!
If anyone has suggestions on how to care for butcher block counter tops, or how to stain and seal them, please share. That's our next project.