So originally, I planned on decorating #allwhiteeverything, like a chic winter wonderland in a farmhouse somewhere in the country. I took my daughter shopping to help me pick out Christmas decor and all went south quickly. She wanted everything red and green, my least favorite. I gave in of course being that she's only 4 and one day she won't really care what color I choose to decorate the house.

I love the shelf above our TV because I treat it like a mantel. Again, as if I were in the country and the mantel was really above the chimney. I change the decor with the seasons.
Every year, we get tons of Christmas cards. This year I actually purchased a little something to place the cards and we received only like 5. Bummer. I guess I shouldn't complain when we went virtual with ours this year sent via text.
Who else but Target would have these fabulous pom-pom pillow with Christmas trees?
This kid hates photo shoots. I die with this photo though, that pout.
We tried a little something different this year for our shoot, thanks to our photographers suggestion. I am in love with the way it came out.
Check out the story behind these initials on my Instagram, in case you missed it. They're extra special.
Hoping you had a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones. Now, it's time to relax and enjoy the next week or so before the New Year.
Photo cred: Aragon Photography