Thursday, March 16, 2017

I have arrived.

To think its taken me two years to write this post.  Two years!  In my defense, I had a baby and I have a toddler.  I think that's a pretty valid excuse as to why I never "got around to it."  However, the real reason I "never got around to it" came to me as I was driving to work one morning.  There I was driving along, day dreaming about my non-existent blog and how perfect it was going to be.  Promising myself, that night was THE night I was going to sit  down and finish this post. Then this thought creeped into my head, "the reason you can't finish the post is because you are trying to create something that isn't there."  OH.

I had a vision for this blog.  Fancy pictures of my tidy home, recipes that could possibly make me the next Top Chef, immaculately dressed children playing quietly in their  playroom. Problem was, I was envisioning something for this blog that wasn't my reality.  My reality is a messy house, albeit chic, but messy.  Our nightly dinners consist of quick meals, faster than Rachel Ray can imagine.  My attempts of putting together Pinterest worthy outfits, consist of trying to carry my 11 month old while balancing on my Louboutins.  With that acceptance came a liberating thought.  I want to share my reality with you, because it is raw and beautiful.

If you came here for inspiration, you will find it.  If you came here because you're passionate about design, cooking, photography and fashion, so am I. You'll also find that I like to keep it real.

This is me.  Welcome.